New Blood For PBS

New Blood For PBS

Dr Yee (left) accepting the application forms as Louis (centre), Goon and Dr Joseph (extreme first and second left) along with the rest look on...

KOTA KINABALU, SABAH – There was an encouraging sign for Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) rejuvenation with new blood as they received new membership applications over the weekend.

PBS Api-Api Division, Chairman Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai hoped the new injection of members will see PBS go from strength to strength.

“There are still people interested to participate (in our party) which is important to us. And among the new members joining us are professionals,” said Dr Yee when accepting the application forms from two group of people during the joint annual general meeting of PBS Api-Api, Luyang and Likas Divisions at Wisma Hakka, here, Sunday.

He was also delighted to see the delegates came in high spirit despite the pandemic and encourage them to work closely with other parties under the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) to serve the people better.

“Our emphasize is less politicking and more services to the people as well as to work together with other parties so that our delivery service to the people will be more effective and efficient,” Dr Yee stressed.

As the parliamentary election is coming soon, he urged the party workers who are now in a better position after their appointments to various responsibilities such as Community Development Leader, Kapitan Cina, Urban Development Committee and also in the Member of Parliament Office to use the venue to serve the people.

Dr Yee also thanked its President, Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili who is also Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department for Sabah and Sarawak Affairs for given them the confidence to serve the people.

“With his leadership and influence we were able to have the channel and platform to serve the people. And let’s hope under his leadership we will go from strength to strength,” he said.

Newly minted PBS Luyang Division, Chairman Goon Thien Shang had encouraged the party workers to work together in preparation for the parliamentary election.

“We have to go down to the ground to provide our services to the people and attend to their needs,” he said, adding that cooperation among the Api-Api, Luyang and Likas Divisions are important as they are under the Kota Kinabalu Parliamentary constituency…

“We also have to tackle the cybertroopers who would do anything to damage our party’s reputation. And, the people can contact the Community Development Leader Unit if they got problems,” said Goon.

PBS Likas Division, Chairman Dr Joseph Lee said the Covid-19 pandemic was not only affecting the people’s social economy but psychology problem was also on the raise last year.

Fortunately, the vaccines for Covid-19 are available and arrived in Sabah recent weeks where the Chief Minister and party’s President has already vaccinated. And the leadership by example shown by them has given confidence to the people that the vaccine is safe, he said.

The vaccines are not ready yet for those below 16 years old, therefore we should take the initiative get vaccinated to protect them, he said.

Meanwhile, PBS Permanent Chairman Datuk Louis Rampas said PBS are celebrating its 36 anniversary this year.

“After 36 years, we are still around compared with other parties who come and go during the elections. PBS became the government and later the opposition…

“We have a nice concept because in PBS, we have all races including Kadazan, Dusun, Murut, Muslims and Chinese. Now the other parties in West Malaysia are emulating our concept,” he said.