87-Year-Old Tuawam Caught Ongkili’s Attention At Lotong Inoculation Centre

87-Year-Old Tuawam Caught Ongkili’s Attention At Lotong Inoculation Centre

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Sabah and Sarawak Affairs) Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili posed for the camera with 87-year-old Tuawam Buanin who had his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at the Lotong Health Clinic in Matunggong, while Matunggong Assemblywoman Datuk Julita Majungki looks on...

KOTA MARUDU, SABAH – Tuawam Buanin braved the inoculation centre today with a goal – to show that there is nothing to be afraid of about the COVID-19 vaccine.

The 87-year-old from Kampung Tagumamal, Kudat, who now resides in Kampung Lotong, Matunggong, here, is one of the most senior recipients of the vaccine, today.

Met at the inoculation centre at the Lotong Health Clinic, his presence caught the attention of Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Sabah and Sarawak Affairs) Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili, who was gracing the on-going three-day Outreach Programme in Matunggong.

The next stops are Naradang and Teringai.

“This is the first stop for the outreach programme here (Matunggong), but there is also an on-going Covid-19  inoculation held at the sub-district office…

“Response has been good over here, not just from the youths, but also the elderly people. Just like our friend, Tuawam, who came here early to get his jab,” said Ongkili, who also posed for the camera along with the senior citizen, along with Matunggong Assemblywoman, Datuk Julita Majungki.

He added that of the some 45,000 population in Matunggong, about 20 per cent, or over 10,000 have registered for the national vaccination programme.

“Of the figure, at least 1,862 have received their first dose, while 1,052 of them have completed both doses,” he said.

Ongkili noted that although response has been overwhelming, but the supply of vaccine has become an issue.

“The doctors and nurses are saying that they could do more 200 jabs per-day, but vaccine supply is crucial. This is the challenge they are facing,” he stressed.

Ongkili said the authorities have been alerted in Putrajaya and he expects the constraints to be resolved speedily now that national supply of vaccines has improved drastically, and distribution in rural Sabah and Sarawak is being given priority.